MN22 Awards Of The Month/year

The MN22 Awards are where we give out an honor award to every Moshi Monster Player who has either Visited this site and loved it or has supported our site And commented. 

We will announce the awards every month on the 31st.
And it will be in a Post. So go search for MN22 Awards. 

To enter the awards all you have to do is Comment, Or Add us TangyOrange1998 on Moshi Monsters And tell us why you like MN22 ( Moshi Net 22 )

And for the biggest event yet we will have the first ever Award of the year event! and you get to vote who should win this year's award of the month. We will announce the ultimate winner will be announced along with the runners-up on October 20th

Thank you all for adding me and supporting the blog!
Come back soon for more codes and more!

Winner February 2018!:



  1. I forgot to say this when I added you, but I like this site because I really love Moshi monsters! This is also really cute and a good idea! I'm 0ddity by the way, with a zero!

    1. Hello 0ddity! Its Tangy. You may have already seen that i posted the MN22 Award of the Month post. I am so sorry i did not add you :( there was a mix up with other contests. So there is only suppose to only be one winner and you are the very first MN22 Award of the month winner! You with be remembered forever and a V.I.M for life!

      You with get 3 really cool codes but you must delete them on your pinboard. And you get your name on the Hall Of Fame Page.

      Your Friend ~TangyOrange1998

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you all for commenting on my blog!
      If any of you would like to be in MN22 Awards then please comment your username and if you can follow the blog for more Moshi fun.
      You don't have to follow this blog for shout outs but only if you truly like it.

  3. My username is Casper19449, i have been playing this game for 6/7 years and i have loved it since childhood, i have countless moshling figures, playsets and etc

    1. Amazing job! I have only been playing for almost three years but i still love it and play it today!


Your Friend ~ TangyOrange1998