Monday, January 22, 2018

V.I.M! Moshi Monsters


I will be choosing only 8 lucky Monsters
to become a very special Moshi net 22
V.I.M ( Very Important Moshi ) 

If you would like to become a V.I.M please comment your Moshi Monster username and also comment this word "Moshi V.I.M"

I will only pick the first 3 commenters so you need to comment now! 

If you are lucky enough to win by commenting then I will send you a video gift that says's 

"You're A V.I.M on Moshi Net 22!" 

5 will be picked for either having the best room or costume or other things like that.

The Rest will be chosen at random!

Winners will get: 

1. very rare codes 

2. Be on the Wall of fame with a special tag that says your a V.I.M

3. A Real Best friend Star

4. Gifts every day for a year

5. be in every MN22 Awards ( Look it up on our blog if you don't already know what MN22 Awards are ) 

6. Also, tell us in the comments what Prizes our winners should get. ( Becuase it could be you )

7. Finally, the GRAD WINNER will have a Suprise Prize
The Grand winner will only be chosen for being the biggest Moshi net 22 ( MN22 ) Fan.

To be an MN22 fan you must have commented at least three times on your favorite posts and have been following MN22 for at least 1 week. And comes here weekly.

We will announce the V.I.M Winners on February 10th of 2018.
 But you better hurry up and comment because we will be picking the winners right after you comment or February 1st, Whichever comes first.  



  1. missybrokenarrow the world vim missybrokenarrow theworldvim missybrokenarrow the world vim

  2. ONE LAST COMMENT EVERYONE! Once we have one last comment or ( 2 )
    We will choose the three winners!


Your Friend ~ TangyOrange1998